Friday, December 30, 2011


This was my belly exactly a year ago.  On 12/30/2010 I was on the phone with the dr and we were scheduling a c-section for the next morning.  I won't go into all the details but Mr. Easton was fine but just a little too big for me to deliver naturally.

This is big sister Cara holding her little brother for the first time.  She's been such a good big sister and Easton loves her. 

Look at those little feet!  Easton was born at 9:39 am on December 31st, 2010.  He weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces.  When he was born he had blisters on both of his hands from him sucking on them.  He was a hungry boy!

After a few days in the hospital we were finally able to bring him home.  Due to some complications I had to go back and be re-admitted and stayed another week.  Luckily I was able to get back home and take care of my new son and family.  This last year has been wonderful and busy! I can't believe my little guy is growing up so soon.  Tomorrow he will be one and he will always be my baby